Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Call of duty elite - photos


Call of Duty Elite struggles with too many first-day users
Call of Duty Elite, the gamer social network for Call of Duty fans, isn't off to a great start. The Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 online multiplayer gaming service is working fine. But Activision Blizzard acknowledges that it is facing some issues as ... read more

Call of Duty Elite Sign-Ups Exceed Expectations, Issues Being Addressed
It apparently wasn't prepared to handle this many people signing up for Elite all at once, although at least the game is still playable and a fix is in the process of being implemented. "Registration requests for our new live service Call of Duty Elite ... read more

Call of Duty Elite sign-ups 'exceed expectations', blamed for outages
"Registration requests for our new live service Call of Duty Elite are exceeding even our most optimistic expectations, which is creating a bottleneck and some players have not been able to register," reads the official statement on the Elite status ... read more


Call of duty elite.jpg
Call of Duty Elite
Call of Duty Elite is a new
Call of Duty Elite FAQ and
How Call of Duty Elite Works,
Call of Duty Elite
Call Of Duty Elite MIA
Call of Duty Elite Problems. The long wait for Modern Warfare 3 is finally
Call of Duty: Elite
call of duty elite xbox live.

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